Aim to Achieve promotes lifelong learning and community involvement for adults with
developmental, sensory, cognitive and physical disabilities by providing classes for individuals 18 years of age and older.
Our classes focus on educational, recreational and social opportunities that can be adapted to individual abilities with the goal of expanding their skills and interests.
You may register for classes:
By Mail
Click on the class brochure above and print the registration page.
Complete and mail with check payable to ISD #256 to:
Community Education
2451 Eagle Ridge Drive
Red Wing, MN 55066
By Phone
(We accept VISA, MasterCard, or Discover)
In Person
Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Red Wing High School
2451 Eagle Ridge Drive
Enter through Door 10A – near the greenhouse
Refunds will be given for cancellations received two days before a scheduled class if materials have not yet been purchased.
We work to keep our programs accessible and affordable for all
When possible, we will provide transportation for disabled adults living within Red Wing’s downtown area to and from classes. Transportation availability is limited. Please request transportation at least one week before class begins by indicating your need on the registration form or by calling 651-385-4565.
Tuition Assistance Available
If you are having difficulty fitting program fees into your budget, contact the Community Education office to find out if you qualify for tuition assistance. Please indicate when registering if you are in need of tuition assistance.
Here is the tuition assistance form.
Cancellation of Class Due To Weather
Aim to Achieve classes are automatically canceled on days when Red Wing Public Schools must close due to storms or if students are dismissed early for when circumstances arise.
In the event of a late start to the school day, an Aim to Achieve class will be held at its normal time.
Your gift will provide access to classes/activities for individuals with financial needs. You may give online or by mailing a check (enter Aim to Achieve in the memo line) to:
Community Education
2451 Eagle Ridge Drive
Red Wing, MN 55066
Supplies and Materials
Donate materials and/or supplies for Aim To Achieve classes. Please call 651-385-4565 before making your delivery.
Your time
Aim to Achieve invites you to share your time and talents as a volunteer. Your commitment and support in our classes will allow individuals with disabilities to expand their leisure and educational interests through participation in Community Education classes. Volunteers will receive necessary orientation. If you are interested, please call 651-385-4565.
To learn more about how you can get involved please contact the program coordinator:
Naomi McCord