Parents/guardians, please include the following information when leaving a voicemail or sending an email to report an absence of your student:
Your name
Student’s name
Student’s grade
Student’s teacher (if in elementary school)
Date of the absence
Reason for the absence
A phone number where you can be reached

Attendance Line and Email
Colvill Family Center

Main office: 651-385-8000
Our Attendance Philosophy
Regular school attendance relates directly to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunities for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes habits of dependability important to success in adulthood.
We all share in the responsibility
Students: It is your right to be in school. It is your responsibility to attend all assigned classes and study halls and to request any missed assignments due to an absence.
Parents/guardians: You are responsible for ensuring the student attends school, to inform the school in the event a student is absent, and to work cooperatively with the school and the student to solve any attendance problems that may arise.
Teachers: You are responsible for taking daily attendance, maintaining accurate records in each assigned class and study hall and providing any student who has been absent with any missed assignments upon request. And responsibility to work cooperatively with the student’s parent or guardian and the student to solve any attendance problems that may arise.
Administrators: You hold students accountable for attending all assigned classes and study halls. Your office must inform the student’s parent/guardian of any unexcused attendances.
We must work cooperatively with everyone involved to solve any attendance problems that may arise.